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Some people think that Russian is easier to learn than English пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Learning foreign language is always hard work. Some people think that Russian language is easy to learn, while others claim that English is simple.

I strongly believe that Russian is very complex language unlike English. Firstly, Russian has a very complex grammar. There are a lot of conditions and rules when worlds change. And also, this language has many exceptions and extended vocabulary which makes learning very difficult. While learning English can be easier because it has less grammatical rules and special cases. Secondly, English is international language. People all over the world learn and speak English. You can practise English while travelling by talking to native speakers and language learners. Moreover, there are more books on English than on Russian and also the Internet provides many educational sites and information for successful learning.

However, there are people who claim that Russian is more attractive for them. They think that Russian more logical and understandable than English. Russian has more words to explain things and emotions, which makes speech clearer and more colourful. This makes learning easier and more interesting.

I cannot agree with the viewpoint above. English has a lot of words and phrases for accurate and understandable expression of feelings and emotions or to explain things. You can easily learn sentences and phrases for fluent and competent speech.

All in all, I still believe that it is easier for people to learn English than Russian. You can understand English quickly and with pleasure.


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