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40.1 Movies and television influence people’s behavior (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in a modern life, where a lot of gadgets and other technologies, which play a big part in our lives. Our free time we prefer spend in molls or watch movies or some TV programs being at home. Also people have different opinions about influences on people’s behavior, some of them think that people start change their manners after watching some programs and so on, another group of people believe that people do not change anything in their mind and behavior too.

In my opinion, people only watch what they are interested in on TV. Sometimes after watching movie, people starting to think about their life, about different changes, which they want to have in their life. Moreover people start have the same what they have seen, buying some things which they have seen, people change their manner of speech and much more, in order to be like other people on TV.

All movies have conclusion and viewers can see how the story ends. At this time people know which conclusion they will have if they will use all the same things which actors used in movies or TV programs.

On the other hand people can watch only for wasting time and no more, for them does not matter about what movie or about what people talk in program, in this case for viewers will not matter things in their life and things in TV. In addition to it people will comment situations what they watch and will believe that their life is better, and they do not want change anything in it.

I do not agree with the opposite opinion because everyone wants a better life than the one they have. In the TV is always very beautiful. In the TV people are always rich and handsome. Also viewers cannot understand that it is TV, and in this regard they will want to be like them.

In conclusion I would like to say that movies and TV really change people’s minds and their behavior. Sometimes it can be good, but sometimes it is really bad, because people cannot stop changing.


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