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Distance learning is the best form of education (more than 250 words) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people consider that the best education can be got only by distance learning. Others argue that traditional forms of studying are more helpful than e-learning. In my essay I would like to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, distance learning loses in many ways to traditional forms of education.

Firstly, some technical failures in system can easily spoil your lesson spent on a distance. So you will not be able to get the information you want and, in addition, spent your money for nothing. Secondly, monitor's screen is a wall between you and teacher, that's why the last one can not check if you are doing his tasks and, also the tutor can't examine if the solution of the task is right .Thirdly, e-learning makes an emotional barrier between a teacher and a student, and it leads to misunderstanding.

The tutor doesn't see pupil's misunderstanding the subject, and a shy student can not explain what he doesn't understand.

Nevertheless, some people claim, e-learning is the best way to get an education. They insist distance learning is better because it is easier to get. You do not have to go somewhere and to spend your time on a road. In addition, e-learning expands searching of a teacher, so you can study with the tutor who is suitable for you both in cost and in presenting information.

I do not agree with the above mentioned position as even when you are going on your extra lesson your mind is engaged in something. So you are not just spending your time at home, and that's it. Actually, all programmes which find a teacher in the internet are not enough accurate. So you can come across as the best teacher ever as charlatan.

To sum up, both of opinions have disadvantages and advantages. But I strongly believe traditional forms of education is the better way for studying.


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