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Robots will soon substitute people in all jobs (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We currently live in an age of advanced technologies. Special importance have robots. They are developing rapidly, and the new models are constantly appearing. This raises a serious question: will we be replaced by machines in the future?

I think that robots are our future and they will do all the work soon. They are smarter and tougher. Also, robots can work in hard to reach places. They can do work that people cannot and work in bad conditions. Moreover, robots do not need money or food. Their characteristics predominate over human ones. So, they are better than ordinary workers.

On the other hand, some people are against robots. They think that we should not let robots do our work.

If they replace people in all jobs, people will be without work. his leads to poverty and hunger. Robots can not reasonably react to unforeseen situations and they can not learn from their mistakes, they also require high costs for their implementation.

I do not agree with this point of view because people can save their time and health. Furthermore, production will accelerate and the cost of goods will decrease. Robots will perform all mechanical, physical and dangerous work, and we will be engaged in control, supervision, adjustment of technological processes, maintenance of equipment and, most importantly, everything related to creativity.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that robots make our life simple. But they can not replace people in all jobs as people are unique creatures, capable of new inventions, discoveries and they can not be replaced by soulless mechanisms. The most correct answer in this argument is that robots complement us: just as we can not do without them, so they can not do without us.


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