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You can't become popular if you have low grades (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Essay on the exam in English is written strictly according to a template using the new evaluation criteria in 2019.

There is an opinion that a popularity of pupils depends on marks they get. Some people consider this statement to be a true one, but others disagree.

I personally think that bad marks of students don't influence their popularity. To begin with, if the pupil studies badly it doesn't mean that people don't want to communicate with him.

Perhaps the child is a good sportsman and often wins at competitions. Moreover, student with bad marks can communicate well, help the schoolmates, to be an interesting person, to be able to support conversations and always come to rescue friends. He or she will be noticed in society and pupil will become popular despite the low grades.

However some people suppose that bad marks completely influence popularity of the pupil because teachers always scold them, exert pressure, which leads to stress.

Besides, these people are sure that pupils with bad marks are lazy and they don't do anything at all so they cannot become popular at school.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them because grades have no significance in being popular. Man cannot be perfect in everything. With low grades he or she can succeed thanks to his or her creative skills and other abilities. There is no laziness in such people.

To sum up, though there are two points of view about dependences of low grades on popularity, I think that any kind act, any good-natured person will become popular among a surrounding in which he always to be.


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