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Some students believe that homework should be optional (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, there is no consensus as to whether students should be compelled to do homework. Some people believe that homework should be optional, while others argue that homework is a mandatory requirement.

In my opinion, compulsory homework does more harm than good for a number of reasons. Firstly, children often have extracurricular activities to do after school. It can be hard for them to fit doing their homework into their busy schedules, which can lead to lower grades. Secondly, students can be sleep-deprived because of homework. Research has shown that amount of homework has increased, while school lessons has stayed at the same average. It may be a cause of sleep deprivation, which can be harmful to students’ health. Finally, obligatory homework can be stressful for students, which results in losing their motivation to learn.

However, some people think that mandatory homework is a more beneficial option because it gives students extra practice.

Aside from the time allotted for students to learn during class hours, continuing their learning at home can enhance what they already know.

Despite this argument, I cannot agree with this opinion because homework does not benefit students who need the instructions the most. If one does not understand the concepts and ideas in class, they will not succeed in their studying at home.

Taking everything into account, I firmly believe that optional homework is far preferable to obligatory homework. Students should have free time after school, besides homework is often does not help them in studying.


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