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description of the painting by Plastov «In the Summer» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Before us - a picture of a remarkable Russian artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov - "Summer". Summer is a beautiful time, which gives us not only good sunny weather, but whole basket of berries, fruits, mushrooms!

What do we see in this picture? On the canvas, the artist painted two mushroom pickers: a woman and a girl resting in a birch grove. Emerald grass serves as a soft carpet. A glade is depicted nearby, and it can be seen that the scorching rays warm up the earth well. Two birches bent over the travelers, as if they wanted to protect the mushroom pickers from the hot sun. The woman and the girl are very tired, as we see that next to them there are two full baskets of mushrooms. The woman fell asleep in the birch coolness, folding her worn out hands. At the feet of the girl - a full cup with a drink, she had just poured it from a clay large jar standing in the grass.

She sadly recalls how happy it was to find the red and white mushroom hats, gaily looking now from the baskets! From it, after all, no cunning mushroom could hide! Found all! And how happy my mother was to such a helper! Salted, and dried - oh and delicious will be mushrooms, although they got with such difficulty.

That will be what they remember in winter! And now how pleasantly in the shade of birches to rest after such hard work! The girl's thoughts interrupted someone's sniff. Next to her faithful four-legged friend - a dog. Apparently, she was also very tired, because she was a faithful fellow traveler mushroom pickers, accompanying them from the very house.Curling up, the dog is probably thinking about going back home. After all, you will not have to travel lightly, but with full baskets of generous summer gifts!Emerald grass serves as a soft carpet. A glade is depicted nearby, and it can be seen that the scorching rays warm up the earth well. Two birches bent over the travelers, as if they wanted to protect the mushroom pickers from the hot sun. The woman and the girl are very tired, as we see that next to them there are two full baskets of mushrooms. The woman fell asleep in the birch coolness, folding her worn out hands.


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