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When i was a child (Школьные сочинения)

When I was a child, I had a lot of energy and a big imagination. I loved playing games and exploring the world around me, and was full of curiosity and questions. I had a vivid and active imagination, and dreamt about the world and the possibilities it held. I loved to draw and create stories, and spent hours playing make-believe with my friends. I enjoyed learning new things, and loved to read, ask questions and explore. I was also very social and loved spending time with my friends and family. It was a magical time in my life, full of wonder and joy.

Throughout childhood, I was constantly learning and growing. I had a thirst for knowledge and always wanted to learn more. I loved to read and explore new ideas, and was full of questions and curiosity.

I enjoyed playing games and spending time with friends, and had a vivid imagination and creative mind. I had a lot of energy and constantly challenged myself to try new things and explore different interests. This was a wonderful time in my life full of joy and excitement, as I got to explore and expand my horizon every day.

My childhood was a wonderful and magical time, full of wonder and joy. As a child, I was full of energy and had a vivid imagination. I loved to explore the world around me and ask questions about everything I saw. I had a lot of friends, and we spent hours playing and having fun together. I loved to draw and paint, and would spend hours creating stories and imaginary worlds. I spent a lot of time with my family, and we were very close. It was a magical time in my life, and I have fond memories of those days.

My childhood was a wonderful and magical time, full of wonder and joy. As a child, I was full of energy and had a vivid imagination. I loved to explore the world around me and ask questions about everything I saw. I had a lot of friends, and we spent hours playing and having fun together. I loved to draw and paint, and would spend hours creating stories and imaginary worlds. I spent a lot of time with my family, and we were very close. It was a magical time in my life, and I have fond memories of those days.


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