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Alice in wonderland (Школьные сочинения)

As she sits by the riverbank, Alice finds herself feeling bored and daydreaming. She longs for something exciting to happen when she spots a white rabbit rushing by, wearing a waistcoat and speaking to himself about being late. Without a second thought, Alice decides to follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole, where she finds herself falling into a magical world.

Alice discovers various objects that increase and decrease her height. After crying, she notices

abbit, who drops his fan and gloves. Picking up a fan and fanning herself with it, Alice shrinks in size and falls into a sea of her own tears. Alice meets a mouse and various birds, listens to a story about William the Conqueror and, in order to dry off, plays "running in circles".

The rabbit asks Alice to find his things and sends her to his house. Leaving her gloves there, Alice drinks the strange liquid from the vial and grows up again, barely fitting into the

abbit's dwelling.

As she navigates through the strange world, she meets various characters that challenge her in different ways. The Cheshire Cat, for example, is always disappearing and reappearing, and the Queen of Hearts is quick to order the execution of anyone who displeases her.

Alice's journey through Wonderland is filled with obstacles, but she faces each challenge with courage and determination. She learns valuable lessons about growing up, taking responsibility, and making decisions for herself. These lessons come in handy when she encounters the Mad Hatter, who is always hosting chaotic tea parties.

Despite all the challenges, Alice finds joy in her adventure. She is fascinated by the bizarre creatures she meets, and she is excited to learn more about the world she has fallen into. With each new encounter, she becomes more confident and assertive, and she learns to stand up for herself and what she believes in.

In the end, Alice realizes that she has been dreaming the entire time and wakes up by the riverbank. However, she has grown and matured through her journey in Wonderland. She is now ready to face the challenges of the real world with a newfound sense of confidence and determination. She has learned to be true to herself and to make decisions that are right for her. Alice's journey through Wonderland has been transformative, and she will never forget the lessons she has learned.


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