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Lying as good and evil (Сочинение на свободную тему)

In modern life we have to deal quite often with the concept of lying, both in theory and in practice. Lying is a complex concept that we often encounter in everyday life. It is considered a sin, yet people still continue to use it. So what is the point?

For me, deception, in any form, is a bad thing. It doesn't matter if you have to talk about how your new hairstyle fits perfectly when it doesn't, or deceive someone about an upcoming meeting that you're not going to attend - it's all deception. You can lie to yourself as well as to others.

ut in my opinion, it's the second option that's dangerous, because you can hurt the feelings of people close to you.

When people lie, they are trying to mislead others. The reasons may be different: to take advantage of the victim or just to make fun of him or her.

It even sounds awful, not so much the real thing.

ut there is also the concept of lying for good. What is it? It is a situation where a person does not reveal the truth, not for personal gain, but to avoid hurting your feelings and to slowly prepare you for the truth. I have had similar experiences and I can say that for me there was no salvation in that moment. I had only lost the hope that I had been given by someone close to me, and with it, my feelings had crumbled. The only time I can lie is when I am silent. If it's about me and no one else, I just keep quiet. For example, quite often I have to say so about my mood so as not to upset other people.

In conclusion, I can only say that lying to me has always been and will always be horrible, because it can be equated with betrayal. No matter how hard you try not to hurt a person, it is better not to "lie for good" but to reveal the truth right away and be there for them as long as they need it. It is better to show your rich imagination in creative work than to tell other people in the form of nonsensical stories.


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