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What is the best way to travel? (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Millions of people all over the world spend the holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. Ordinary life gets boring very quickly and people just need to travel in order not to lose interest in life. New emotions always help, it's like a breath of fresh air. And it is very necessary for people in their routine. People travel in different ways: by car, with fellow travelers, by ship, by plane and even on a raft!

ut these are very risky people, for whom traveling is an adventure. They are like free birds, they fly wherever they want and they don't even have to return to a certain place.

Their home is everywhere. They are not locked in a cage.

What about me, I like to travel very much. I enjoy visiting new places and meeting new people. I prefer to travel by car. It is comfortable and quiet. You can stop at any time.

esides, you can go wherever you want. And it is one of cheap ways of travelling. I love safe travel. If something unexpected happens, I start to panic. And my car is my second home, just on wheels, where I always feel safe.

I also prefer to be a package tourist. I needn’t worry about the place to stay at, the tickets for different excursions and the meals.

ut being a backpacking traveller is unreliable and unreasonable. I would agree to such a trip only with a clear plan and in the company of friends or family. Such a journey brings people very close and gives a team atmosphere. Everyone is worried about each other, but together nothing is scary and very fun. You can help each other at any time and this is what is valued in human relationships.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that travelling is interesting and exciting. For many people it is a part of their life, a way to find themselves in it, and for some ones it is all their life. There are millions of different types of travel and a way to go, but one thing unites us - traveling is always great.


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