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37.You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-fiend Molly Сборник Вербицкая, 1 вариант, письмо и эссе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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37. Email message

Dear Molly,

Thanks for writing me. It`s always nice to hear from you.

I`ll be happy to answer your questions. Ussually Russian teenagers buy books and sweets as presents. The advantages of shopping right before holidays are having more free time to do it, since everyone is very busy during working days. Personally, I prefer to ger practical presents, because it`s important that things are useful.

By the way, in yor email you mentioned that your parents went on holiday. What place did they go to? What is the weathere like there? What kinds of activities are available at this place?

That`s all for now.

Drop me a line soon.

Best wishes,


38. 2. Эссе.

Nowadays it goes without saying that films are the important part of teenagers' life. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out what are the most popular film genres among teenagers in Zetland. I found a pie chart containing some relevant data that I am going to comment on.

According to pie chart, the most popular option is fantasy genre chosen by 41% of surveyed. The second most sizable group prefers thriller. It can also be seen that the smallest proportion of respondents mentions melodrama (2%).

Looking more closely at the pie chart, we can notice that adventure genre is more popular than thrillers. The difference between these two options is that the first is more exciting and interesting for teenagers.

One problem that can arise when selecting a film to watch is that many teenagers do not choose movies, which can give them the new knowledge and broaden their minds. This may result in absence of development for person. In order to avoid this trouble, I would suggest that everyone should make a film choice consciously and pay attention to movies, which include useful information.

Personally, I consider the melodrama movies to be the most interesting, because this genre provides me with the ability to study and analyze various kinds of people's behavior and emotions in different situations.

Оценка эксперта:


Personally, I prefer to ger practical presents, because it`s important that things are useful.

By the way, in yor email you mentioned that your parents went on holiday.

What is the weathere like there?

Внимательно следите за правописанием


Looking more closely at the pie chart, we can notice that adventure genre is more popular than thrillers.

Не хватает артикля

This may result in absence of development for person

Пропущен артикль

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