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Flotsam and Jetsam Summary (Школьные сочинения)


The story I would like to speak about is written by Somerset Maugham and is entitled "FLOTSAM AND JETSAM". The story begins with the description of Norman Grange's life.

You see, he was a rubber-planter, that's why every day he had to get up early and visit his estate in order to check if everything was done properly. This duty performed, he returned home to have a bathe and a substantial meal. Judging by his shabby house, Norman must have had a small income, moreover dingy rooms, chipped plates and worn clothes betokened poverty, but what surprised me most of all was to learn that everyone remained indifferent to it.

By the way, Norman had a wife called Vesta, but I believe he didn't love her passionately, because his rough attitude to her showed it. One day all of a sudden she saw 2 men coming up to her husband. Trying to hear what they were talking about, she came closer, but still she understood it vaguely. These men seemed to be pressing Norman to do something unpleasant, but at last he accepted the request. Then he entered the bungalow to inform his wife she must get a bed ready, because there was a white man who had fallen ill.

When told about it, Vesta had to do what she had been asked, and hardly had she got a bed ready when she saw several men carrying the sick.

The next day that man, called Skelton, woke up to find himself in a room and his attention was compelled to the poor furniture in the house. In a while he saw Norman enter the room to inquire if Skelton was better, and the man asked him to give him something lightish to read. You see, judging by Grange’s face, Skelton’s having stayed at his home didn’t give him a lot of pleasure. To be frank, Skelton didn't want to impose himself on Norman longer than he needed. Though Norman tried to conceal his apathy, but nevertheless Skelton remarked that he wasn’t a very likeable man.

I’d like to say the next day Skelton could get up himself, that’s why he went on the veranda to see Vesta there who had come to ask if he wanted something. I must point out, she was a woman of middle age who wore a worn dress, her hair was tousled, but what surprised Skelton most of all was to see her trembling now and then. You see, Skelton was interested if the couple wanted to get back to England, and when asked about it, Vesta burst out laughing, her fingers and face trembling more than usual, and replied she hadn’t been to England for 16 years. Frankly speaking, Skelton was surprised to hear it, so he couldn’t help asking why she hadn’t. Vesta turned out to have played on stage and tripped all over the world, but unfortunately when in Malay her manager unexpectedly got trimmed, that’s why Vesta had to stay there, with several pounds in her pocket.


Mrs. Grange went on telling her own story. You see, being desperate for money, she had to stay at the Malay States waiting for the help of the government.

ut fortunately she was lucky to have met a handsome young man who was really serious about her and one day he even proposed to her. He promised her a quite and serene life in his bungalow, standing at the very bank of the river and it sounded intriguing, frankly spiking and Mrs. Grange couldn't resist the temptation and soon they got married.

All of a sudden they heard Norman coming up and to Skelton's surprise she broke off and slipped away quickly. It was evident, that she was afraid of her husband and Skelton couldn't help feeling bewildered

After a while Norman entered his room to suggest Skelton having dinner with them. While eating, Skelton realize that it would be wise of him to explain his unexpected appearing in that God-forsaken place. He turned out to be a scientist, studying customs and manners of the local tribes. He would never come to their place, but his having caught malaria made him do it.

Of particular interest is the fact, that while listening to Skelton's story Mrs. Grange kept silent, her head and her hand twitching now and then. Trying to produce an impression of an affable and cultivated man, Skelton made some efforts to bring her into the conversation, addressing himself to her or asking her a question, but there was no use making her utter a word.

Having finished the dinner, they separated in order to have a rest. Skelton went to bed, but he could not sleep. his thought concentrated on that horrible house and not less horrible people living in it. To be frank, he had the greatest desire to leave the bungalow as quickly as possible.

Early next morning Skelton went to the veranda to have met Mrs. Grange, a photograph album in her hands. She seemed to have been waylaying him for some period of time, and she started showing him pictures, demonstrating Mrs. Grange at her youth. She showed them with a great enthusiasm, as if trying to prove that she used to be a pretty and attractive woman.

Then she confessed that she found it awful living in that country in which she had nobody to talk with, living with her repulsive and abominable husband. Moreover, Mrs. Grange added the natives considered them insane because of a very strange story that had taken place long ago. Without doubt, hearing it, Skelton got thrilled and he didn’t know what to say and what to do.

I must point out, while having supper Skelton caught a suspicious and mistrustful look of Grange, he might have guessed about Skelton’s having talked to his wife.

esides, he added it was no use Skelton’s staying at his home anymore, because he was in a good condition, that’s why Skelton must leave them.

So, next morning Skelton accompanied by Mrs. Grange arrived at the landing stage, and seeing several houses on the opposite side of the river, he asked Mrs. Grange if she visited them, and suddenly she cried, her hand trembling more than usual, that she had never been there. After a while Skelton and Mrs. Grange bid each other good bye and drifted apart.


Having seen Skelton off, Mr. Grange returned home to recollect the story which she hadn’t dared to say to the unexpected guest. You see, after she had married Norman, at first she was happy to live at the spacious estate. You see, having discreet servants at her disposal she didn’t have to care for anything, but a year passed, and she began to feel sufficiently lonely, so she would sit the whole day talking to herself.

I’d like to say in two years the a man called Jack bought a land on the opposite bank of the river, and I must point out he was quite different from Norman.

eing gay, easy and handsome in a way he managed to compel Mrs. Grange’s attention. You see, his being able to keep up the conversation was a quite a treat for Vesta, because she could talk about London’s life, and in several weeks she felt more at home with him than with her husband after 2 years of living together. No wonder very soon they fell in love with each other passionately, but they couldn’t elope, because Jack’s having only his salary didn’t give them such an opportunity.

esides, they had to run awful risks and get over different obstacles meeting with each other.

You see, a year passed and Vesta to her greatest surorise discovered that she was pregnant; without doubt it must have been Jack’s child. At that time Jack was to return from Singapore, and Vesta wanted to meet him as quickly as possible. Though thinking that it was no use going to his place, Norman couldn't make her stay at home. Arriving at the opposite side of the river, Vesta found Jack who led her to the hidden place where nobody could find them. All of a sudden there was a brutal shock and a deafening noise, and Jack fell down, and his blood sputtered over her. Horrified, Vesta saw Norman with a gun, he turned out to have killed Jack.

I’d like to say that night Vesta had a miscarriage, and ever since she got that nervous tic. As for Grange, at the police he represented his having killed Jack as an accident and they couldn't but release him. You see, he had to keep Vesta to allay suspicion, and Vesta couldn’t go away because she would die of hunger, that’s why, unfortunately, the couple had to live together.


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