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My Friend's Family (Школьные сочинения)

Frankly speaking, it's impossible to imagine our life without a family, because it's the only place where all people are tactful, helpful, tolerant and respect each other, no doubt it's very easy to discuss everyday problems there.

My friend's family isn't very large. It consists of a mother, a father, a brother and him, of course. They all live together in a comfortable detached house.

To begin with, I would like to describe my friend. He is called Vova and he is in his late teens. He left school last year and entered the University. Vova enjoys reporting and hopes to make a career out of journalism. Vova is a handsome person and he is always ready to have a good laugh, by the way. He is also a good basketball player.

His father's name is Sasha and he is in his mid forties. Sasha is middle - sized and well - built. His chestnut hair is short and his eyes are green. My friend's father has got an oval face with a fresh complexion.

He is a pensioner now and that's why he prefers to spend most of his day doing tasks about the house, not watering the flowers and cooking, but repairing the house and pottering in the garden.

y character, his father is too talkative and energetic, while his mother is a pretty quiet woman.

Her name is Irina. She is slightly younger, than her husband. Irina has got a steady job in a shop. After a hard day at work Vova's mother relaxes in front of the television. She is a creative, reliable and versatile woman. To tell the truth, she is the sort of person you can always go to, if you have a problem. My friend's mother is fond of reading and gardening and she is very proud of her wonderful collection of potted violets. They say, my friend resembles his mother in appearance, but takes after his father in nature.

Vova's brother's name is Dima. He is 23 years old. He is a soldier, that's why he has got an athletic figure and broad shoulders. Fortunately, Dima has got a good sense of humor and I can say, that his brother is very popular with his friends at parties. Dima got married young. He and his wife live in a small village near Mongolia.

During the holidays my friend's family likes to go on outings. This usually means going to the theatre, watching a local sporting event or a trip to the sea side.


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