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Photos in 21st century и Relationships between parents and children (Школьные сочинения)

The first

In 21 century. In Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites era taking photos is more popular than in the past. People do it more often than even five years ago. I guess that now we've got much more opportunities to do photos. There are billions of cameras that do photos in a second instead of big boxes that did one picture in several hours in the previous century, lenses and filters that do our photos more beautifull and other special devices.

In my opinion people like taking pictures because they want to show them to other people for example their friends or family members. We all take photos to keep memories about an awesome place that we visited, about a good day that we spent with our friends or even about people who we love.

The best photo i have ever taken is the photo of nature. This is picture of a really gorgeous sunrise. I had to wake up at four o'clock to do that photo but it is incredibly beautiful.

The second

Relationships between parents and their children, especially with teenagers are always very tense.

Elderly people often try to teach the younger generation and it leads to swearing and fights. Teenagers don't understand that it is an expression of their parents' care. In turn, the elderly generation believes that children don't display courtesy to them. I guess that it happens because teenagers communicate with them as well as with people of their age. It means that young people respect them but don't show it so clearly. Actually, it is a very controversial theme because parents don't understand teenagers as well as teenagers don't understand parents.

Sometimes parents think that their teenagers behave themselves as nightmares and always don't want to communicate with them. I guess that big quarrels could end up with negative children's reaction and losing that connection between parent and child, that wasn't so good before, so it is not a very good idea. They should trust them a little bit more and talk as much as they can about different things, not only about marks at school.

On the contrary, teenagers think that their parents don't give them privacy and independence, fussing around them too much. I would advise them to understand that parents want the best for their children. I think that teenagers should try to explain their views on things that raise questions for their parents with clear arguments. Then they should listen to parent's views and find a compromise.

Being a teenager is nothing like being an adult just like vice versa. Overall, my point of view is that talking is the best way to solving the problem.


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