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Homework takes up all teen’s free time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Do all teenagers suffer from a lack of time? Some people think that teachers give a lot of homework to their students, while others argue that children are able to combine studying and extracurricular activities.

As for me, I’m a well-rounded person, so it’s not a problem to manage my time correctly. To begin with, a student should wisely set up his schedule to have enough time for homework and rest. Moreover, if teens use their phones and other devices doing homework, it will bother them and slow down the process of learning.

However, there’s an opposite opinion. Firstly, a part of students and their parents consider that teachers overload with home tasks. Therefore, children are nervous and they lose the inspiration to study. Secondly, an enormous quantity of homework makes parents spend their time doing kids’ tasks. In addition, similar situations caused conflicts between children, parents, and teachers.

I absolutely disagree with the statements given above.

First of all, teachers don’t want teenagers to suffer from home tasks. They give homework as much, as the educational program requires. Furthermore, experts claim that students should do homework by themselves. In addition, the parent’s helping doesn’t consist in complicating of whole tasks instead of their children.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that the availability of free time depends on a reasonable management of it. So, to have more time, you can simply start to set up your day. Putting down the timetable, don’t forget about the rest and studying.

248 words


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