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Young people prefer Internet communication to personal contacts / Молодые люди предпочитают интернет-общение личным контактам What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

These days there is a popular opinion that teenagers would rather communicate online than personally. However, some people doubt it saying that for youngsters there is nothing as good as talking to a person eye to eye. Personally, I agree with the former point of view.

To start with, I think that in today's fast-moving world the Internet has taken over every aspect of our lives, from

studying to relaxing, because it is exceptionally convenient and timesaving.

Thus, young people find it easier and faster to talk through many networking sites available. Moreover, as our school curriculum is getting more complicated every year, teenagers have less and less time to spend relaxing at home,

let alone hanging out with friends. That is why sometimes it is simply impossible for young people to communicate with each other in person.

Therefore, the Internet is at their service when it comes to chatting.

However, some people claim that every now and then teenagers long for eye-to-eye communication, because only this way they can see each other's emotions, which are undoubtedly of great importance, especially regarding the issues of teenage friendships.

Nevertheless, I cannot subscribe to this point of view. Today's social networks have a variety of smileys available to make conversations in a livelier way. What is more, if such a necessity appeared, youngsters can use Skype or FaceTime to see each other or just record audio messages.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that thcoe days teenagers prefer communicating online for many reasons. Technological advances are rapid and young people are trying to keep up with the times.


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