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Hitchhiking is the best way to see the world for young people пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently more people are starting to discuss the problem of traveling by young people. Some people say that there is nothing better for youth than go on a trip by hitchhiking, while others think differently.

In my opinion, hitchhiking is one of the best ways to travel if you are young. Firstly, because it is really cheap. You do not have to pay for transportation, or you pay far less to a stranger than you would pay to any transport company. Secondly, hitchhiking is not only about traveling but about communication. While taking a lift, you can meet a lot of different, interesting people, with whom you can have a really interesting talk.

However, some people tend to believe that hitchhiking is dangerous for youth. They say that you can be picked up by anybody, and you can end up in the car with some psychopath or any other unreliable person, who can be a threat to you and your life.

I cannot fully agree with this opinion.

Such risks have a place, but they are minimized nowadays. Today we have special apps, which can help you to find a driver, who will agree to lift you. All drivers in this app are registered, and you can see all the information you need about them, so this makes your trip a lot safer.

To sum up, I would like to restate that in my opinion, hitchhiking is, for young people, one of the best ways to travel, because it is cheap, interesting, and safe.


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