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Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation example пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To begin with I should say that today digital literacy develop very fast and it helps us in different spheres of life. Some people believe that it is necessary to have digital skills to be a successful employee, while others think that the ability to find information by computers is not really useful.

Speaking about me, I personally believe that gadget literacy is one of the most important skills to be thriving. I am going to present some arguments proving my point of view. Firstly, to my mind, computer is the most convenient and fast way of creating documents, programs and e-mails. Secondly, to my way of thinking, some new professions do not exist without computer skills, for example a programmer, an engineer.

However, there are people, who take the opposite point of view.

According to their opinion digital literacy is useless for many people who work as a doctor, a builder, a driver etc. Add to this they find gadgets very complicated and difficult, they think that old people will not be able to understand this system.

ut I do not agree with them. Nowadays all information about a company, clients and employees is stored in computers. Employers prefer to recruit highly-qualified specialists with computer skills, rather than those, who do not have the IT skills.

In conclusion I would like to say that in our fast-developing world digital literacy is highly important for everyone who wants to make a successful career.


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