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Expand on the movie genre you enjoy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Speaking about, which kind of film has had the most profound impact on me and given the gripping watching experience, I would especially highlight biography with elements of drama and sometimes thriller. In fact, there are few reasons supporting my point of view which I will disclose in this essay.

The first point is that I sincerely appreciate get acquittanced with the lives of prominent people: writers, inventors, entrepreneurs, politicians, artists and others. For instance, considering the only current year I have managed to know numerous insights about such writers as Thomas Wolf, Leo Tolstoy, John Tolkien and Jerome Salinger, providing me reasonable facts why it is better for me to reread unclear pages of their works or just only take up the book of a particular author. For instance, after watching “Genius” I became remarkably inspired to start reading “Look Homeward, Angel” by Thomas Wolf, whose life story amazed me to the marrow of bones.

The second reason stands for the presence of drama in this genre, helping to recognize the complication of life with all its twists and turns, understand that even outstanding people have to resist emerging obstacles and troubles, but exactly the ability to overcome them make all these humans exceptional, giving us the motivation to pursue own dreams, push the limits and never stop in front of temporary hardships.

Thus, the willingness of Salinger to become a reclusive author just for the sake of writing, rejecting seeking fame and acquiring commercial success, helped me to reevaluate my attitude to studying and give me the drive to move forward towards my dreams, regardless of what other people say about it.

In brief, my enjoyment of biopic is completely defined by these factors – the opportunity to immerse into the life of grand names, recognize the adversity of being alive. If a person thoroughly reasons on these points, he/she will be able to understand my admiration of this genre.


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