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SPEAKING PART 2 (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Which factors make service on a journey flawless?

To begin with, the contentment of a journey is a sum of numerous tiny things: the right place, chosen time, weather and, of course, service. I can’t but agree that flawless customer care plays a significant role, making each travelling more decent, memorable and easy. Given that, we should recognize which factors correspond to such a service.

In fact, in today rushing world we merely find time to truly spend it alone or with our loved ones that’s why, being on holiday we should not get distracted by the necessity to cook, wash the clothes, clean our room, and so on. Thus, the first signal that service is great when you feel free of any mundane routine and can devote all your time to yourself or relatives and friends, enjoying the cultural atmosphere and picturesque views. My journey to

elgium was absolutely breathtaking exactly due to professional hotel staff who saved me the time I could lose in long hours of cooking and washing.

The second factor is respect and attention from the hotel, train or whatsoever service that make you're travelling pleasant and comfortable (you do not need even to lift a finger).

My family have been visiting Turkey in the summertime after time but most of my memories are of the holiday we spent in a hotel called Titanic. All thanks to the magic of skilful staff: they as if followed each our gesture and read thoughts, everyone was smiling and time spent in the restaurant, main hall, parking areas was amazing.

To crown it all, many people do not pay enough attention to the service it deserves, though it is alone may make your journey unbelievable or ruin it. Such qualities of impeccable service as the ability to not care about annoying details and a friendly atmosphere to the guests will help you choose better holidays in the future.


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