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After the covid-19 pandemic the world will never be the same (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of the world after the COVID-19 pandemic is relevant nowadays but still it is rather controversial. Some people claim that after the epidemic of coronavirus our world will change. Others state that after the COVID-19 pandemic our society will be identical to its previous state.

I am inclined to believe that after the epidemic of coronavirus our world will never be the same. To begin with, after the COVID-19 pandemic people will be still afraid of those, who are coughing and sneezing, and feel uncomfortable without wearing a mask and medical gloves in public places. Another argument is that the economic situation of every country will deteriorate due to the interrupted trade ties and crisis in the whole world.

However, some people tend to believe that after the COVID-19 pandemic the world will be able to change back. As they see it, when a vaccine against the coronavirus is developed and all the people are inoculated, they will not have fears of public space and the world will be the same as it was.

I cannot agree with the idea above.

My opponents fail to understand that the majority of the world’s population is scared of being vaccinated because they do not trust their authorities and doctors and consider it impossible to develop a good harmless coronavirus vaccine. Therefore, our world will not be the same since people will still tend to avoid public places because of their mistrust.

All in all, there are two points of view on the issue of the world after the pandemic. I am strongly convinced that after the COVID-19 pandemic the world will never be the same.


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