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40. Everybody would like to work from home (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

For the great majority of people think that every person want to do his work from home.

Personally, I strongly object to this statement because all people are so different and there are many professions which we can not do at home. Let us considering what the advantages and disadvantages of this position are.

One argument in support of this statement that such work allow to spend more time with family. Children are always under control and parents may not take them to the childrengarden.

emotely job will a good decision if person want to save money.

Person doesn’t need to spend money on transport to their work.

esides, people does not see unpleasant colleagues when they work online.

On the other hand we can observe this position. Firstly, working from home a person does not get enough communication and he is losing social skills. Secondly, physical activity decreases and immunity becomes worse when person spends a lot of time at home. Follow the statistics, people who go at work are usually more resistant to stress than people who work on the distance.

Despite my respect for the position that many people want to work at home I can not share it because if people spend their time correctly, people will have enough time for other different doings. There is work that cannot be done from home for example firefighters, doctors, police officers and others.

In conclusion I can say that it can be necessary to work remotely in emergency situations such as pandemic, sickness or weather conditions but online job can never replace reality work.


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