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A University degree is a must for success in the modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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It is thought that if you want to succussed in the contemporary world, you need to have a university degree. This matter has been highly debated among the majority of people nowadays. Some of them support that viewpoint, whereas others hold the opposite opinion.

Personally, I think that success is determined not only by having a university degree, as it used to be in the past. Firstly, success can be achieved in different ways. For instance, there is a lot of new professions that do not require a diploma in their fields such as SMM-manager or P

specialist there is enough to have the necessary skills and knowledge. Secondly, it is widely believed that if the person has a huge talent and comprehensive interests in the modern world, he or she will be able to realize their personality and to have great prosperity without having to graduate from university.

However, not everyone shares my thoughts, as they are assured that a person who has a university degree will have more opportunities to achieve enormous success.

Their main argument is that graduating from university gives access to worth living as only with a diploma person has more chances to find a prospective job.

I have to disagree with the opinion of my opponents, as I believe that there is a lot of well-known people who do not have a high education but still are considered successful individuals.

In conclusion, I want to affirm that everyone has huge chances to become successful. It all depends on the person's abilities, not on the fact of obtaining a diploma.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

Коммуникативная задача в целом успешно решена, однако вызывает вопросы разорванное предложение в разделе, где обосновывается позиция автора. Из-за некорректного оформления страдает смысловая составляющая этого фрагмента сочинения.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Раздел, где обосновывается позиция автора, не следует разделять на абзацы.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) access to worth living – access to decent living [Слово worth обычно не используется в таких контекстах];

2) to find a prospective job – to find a job with good prospects [Слово prospective имеет иное значение].

К4 (грамматика) – 0 баллов

1) if you want to succussed – if you want to succeed [Использовано неверно образованное слово в неверной форме];

2) there is a lot of new professions – there are a lot of new professions [Глагол должен согласовываться с существительным, которое в данном случае стоит во множественном числе];

3) such as SMM-manager – such as an SMM manager [Необходим артикль];

4) there is enough to have the necessary skillsit is enough to have the necessary skills [Несмотря на оборванность фразы, можно рекомендовать заменить подлежащее there на it как более подходящее в данной ситуации];

5) if the person has – if a person has [Рекомендуется заменить артикль];

6) as only with a diplomaas it is only with a diploma that [Можно использовать эмфатическую конструкцию, чтобы сделать высказывание более чётко организованным и ярким];

7) person has more chancesa person has more chances [Необходим артикль];

8) there is a lot of well-known people – there are a lot of well-known people [Глагол должен согласовываться с существительным, которое в данном случае стоит во множественном числе];

9) high education – higher education [Требуется сравнительная степень прилагательного];

10) the person's abilitiesa person's abilities [Рекомендуется заменить артикль].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) degree, as it used to be in the past – degree as it used to be in the past [Запятая не требуется];

2) SMM-manager – SMM manager [Дефис не требуется];

3) or P [Неполное слово];

4) shares my thoughts, as they – shares my thoughts as they [Запятая не требуется];

5) of my opponents, as I believe – of my opponents as I believe [Запятая не требуется].

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