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A live music performance is always inferior to a studio recording пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

All people have preferences in music. The most part of young people cannot live without it. Sometimes people prefer enjoying live music performances. Though a studio recording can sound better and have a good quality. Let me express my own opinion on this question.

In my mind, the advantages of a studio recording outweigh its disadvantages. First of all, there is no noise crowd in the such version of music. Secondly, special studio equipment helps to create the best quality of sound. In addition, the sound director takes part in making sound recording and it results in the music we love listening.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion.

They suppose the live performance is better for some reasons. True fans of the music stars would prefer to hear actual voices there. Moreover, they need to share their emotions with the crowd around them.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. Phonograms are often used on the concerts so their visitors often listen the prepared recording. What is more, the activity of the crowd, noise and shouts really interfere with listening to music. So it would be better to listen your favourite songs in a quiet home atmosphere being alone or in close company.

In conclusion, I would like to agree that live performances sound inferior in comparison with a studio recording. Therefore, I usually prefer listening to albums of my favourite singers rather than visiting their concerts.


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